Introduction to COBOL
Unit aims, objectives, prerequisites.
What is COBOL?
A brief introduction to the COBOL programming
language. A historical overview. COBOL's dominance in the
business computing domain. Characteristics of COBOL applications.
Some reasons for COBOL's success.
Introduction to Programming
This section provides a gentle introduction
to programing in general and to programming in COBOL in
particular by means of writing some simple COBOL programs.
COBOL basics
This section presents the fundamentals
of constructing COBOL programs. It explains the notation
used in COBOL syntax diagrams, enumerates the COBOL coding
rules, and examines the hierarchical structure of COBOL
The Four Divisions
Provides an introduction to the structure
and purpose of the four COBOL divisions.
To provide a brief introduction to the programming
language COBOL. To provide a context in which its uses might be
understood. To introduce the Metalanguage used to describe syntactic
elements of the language. To provide an introduction to the major
structures present in a COBOL program.
By the end of this unit you should -
- Know what the acronym COBOL stands for.
- Be aware of the significance of COBOL in the marketplace.
- Understand some of the reasons for COBOL's success.
- Be able to understand COBOL Metalanguage syntax diagrams.
- Be aware of the COBOL coding rules
- Understand the structure of COBOL programs
- Understand the purpose of the IDENTIFICATION,
and PROCEDURE divisions.
None. This is the first unit in the course.
COBOL is a high-level programming language first developed by the
CODASYL Committee (Conference on Data Systems
Languages) in 1960. Since then, responsibility for developing
new COBOL standards has been assumed by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI).
Three ANSI standards for COBOL have been produced: in 1968, 1974
and 1985. A new COBOL standard introducing object-oriented programming
to COBOL, is due within the next few years.
The word COBOL is an acronym that stands for COmmon
Business Oriented Language. As the the expanded
acronym indicates, COBOL is designed for developing business, typically
file-oriented, applications. It is not designed for writing systems
programs. For instance you would not develop an operating system
or a compiler using COBOL.
widely used is COBOL?
For over four decades COBOL has been the dominant programming language
in the business computing domain. In that time it it has seen off
the challenges of a number of other languages such as PL1, Algol68,
Pascal, Modula, Ada, C, C++. All these languages have found a niche
but none has yet displaced COBOL. Two recent challengers though,
Java and Visual Basic, are proving to be serious contenders.
COBOL's dominance in underlined by the reports from the Gartner
In 1997 they estimated that there were about 300 billion lines
of computer code in use in the world. Of that they estimated that
about 80% (240 billion lines) were in COBOL and 20% (60 billion
lines) were written in all the other computer languages combined
In 1999 they reported that over 50% of all new mission-critical
applications were still being done in COBOL and their recent estimates
indicate that through 2004-2005 15% of all new applications (5
billion lines) will be developed in COBOL while 80% of all
deployed applications will include extensions to existing legacy
(usually COBOL) programs.
Gartner estimates for 2002 are that there are about two million
COBOL programmers world-wide compared to about about one million
Java programmers and one million C++ programmers.
by COBOL's success? |
People are often surprised when presented with the evidence for
COBOL's dominance in the market place. The hype that surrounds some
computer languages would persuade you to believe that most of the
production business applications in the world are written in Java,
C, C++ or Visual Basic and that only a small percentage are written
in COBOL. In fact, the reverse is actually the case.
One reason for this misconception lies in the difference between
the vertical and the horizontal software markets.
In the vertical software market (sometimes called "bespoke"
software) applications cost many millions of dollars to produce,
are tailored to a specified company, encapsulate the business rules
of that company, and only a limited number of copies of the software
may be in use. A good example of this kind of application is the
DoD MRP II system. This system is "used to manage almost 550,000
spare and repair parts and equipment items with an inventory value
of $28 billion. The system runs on Amdahl mainframes at multiple
locations throughout the U.S. and contains over 4,000,000 lines
of COBOL code." [http://www.uppermohawkinc.com/corporate_capabilities.htm]
In the horizontal software market, applications may still cost
millions of dollars to produce but thousands, and in some cases
millions, of copies of the software are in use. As a result, these
applications often have a very high profile, a short life span,
and a relatively low per-copy replacement cost. The Microsoft Office
suite (Word, Excel, Access) is an example of an application in the
horizontal software market. Because of the highly competitive nature
of this marketplace considerations of speed, size and efficiency
often make languages like C or C++ the language of choice for creating
these applications.
Applications written for the vertical market, on the other hand,
often have a low profile (because they are usually written for use
in one particular company), a very high per-copy replacement cost,
and consequently, a very long life span. For example, the cost of
replacing COBOL code has been estimated at approximately twenty
five dollars ($25) per line of code. At this rate, the cost of replacing
the DoD MRP II system mentioned above, with a system written in
some other language, would be some one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000).
The importance of ease of maintenance often makes COBOL the language
of choice for these applications.
The high visibility of horizontal applications like Microsoft Word
or Excel persuades people that the languages used to write these
applications are the market leaders. But however many copies of
Excel are sold, it is just a single application produced by a limited
number of programmers. Many more programmers are involved in coding
or maintaining one off, "bespoke", applications. And these
programmers generally write their programs in COBOL.
characteristics of COBOL applications
As exemplified by the DoD MRP II example above, COBOL applications
are often very large.Many COBOL applications consist of more than
1,000,000 lines of code - with 6,000,000+ line applications not
considered unusually large in many shops.
COBOL applications are also very long-lived.The huge investment
in creating a software application consisting of some millions of
lines of COBOL code means that the application cannot simply be
discarded when some new programming language or technology appears.
As a consequence business applications between 10 and 30 years-old
are common. This accounts for the predominance of COBOL programs
in the year 2000 problem (12,000,000 COBOL applications vs 375,000
C and C++ applications in the US alone - [Capers
Jones]). Twenty years ago when programmers were writing
these applications they just didn't anticipate that they would last
into this millennium.
COBOL applications often run in critical areas of business. For
instance, over 95% of finance–insurance data is processed with
COBOL [In Cobol’s Defense].
The serious financial and legal consequences that can result from
an application failure is one reason for the near panic over the
year 2000 problem.
COBOL applications often deal with enormous volumes of data.Single
production files and databases measured in terabytes are not uncommon.
characteristics that contribute to COBOL's success |
COBOL is self-documenting
One of the design goals for COBOL was to make it possible for non-programmers
such as supervisors, managers and users, to read and understand
COBOL code. As a result, COBOL contains such English-like structural
elements as verbs, clauses, sentences, sections and divisions. As
it happens, this design goal was not realized. Managers and users
nowadays do not read COBOL programs. Computer programs are just
too complex for most laymen to understand them, however familiar
the syntactic elements. But the design goal and its effect on COBOL
syntax has had one important side-effect. It has made COBOL the
most readable, understandable and self-documenting programming language
in use today. It has also made it the most verbose.
It is easy for programmers unused to the business programming paradigm,
where programming with a view to ease of maintenance is very important,
to dismiss the advantage that COBOL's readability imparts. Not only
does this readability generally assist the maintenance process but
the older a program gets the more valuable this readability becomes.
When programs are new, both the in-program comments and the external
documentation accurately reflect the program code. But over time,
as more and more revisions are applied to the code, it gets out
of step with the documentation until the documentation is actually
a hindrance to maintenance rather than a help. The self-documenting
nature of COBOL means that this problem is not as severe with COBOL
programs as it is with other languages
Readers who are familiar with C or C++ or Java might want to consider
how difficult it becomes to maintain programs written in these languages.
C programs that you have written yourself are difficult enough to
understand when you come back to them six months later. Consider
how much more difficult it would be to understand a program that
had been written fifteen years previously, by someone else, and
which had since been amended and added to by so many others that
the documentation no longer accurately reflects the program code.
This is a nightmare still awaiting maintenance programmers of the
COBOL is simple
COBOL is a simple language (no pointers, no user defined functions,
no user defined types) with a limited scope of function. It encourages
a simple straightforward programming style. Curiously enough though,
despite its limitations, COBOL has proven itself to be well suited
to its targeted problem domain (business computing). Most COBOL
programs operate in a domain where the program complexity lies in
the business rules that have to be encoded rather than in the sophistication
of the data structures or algorithms required. And in cases where
sophisticated algorithms are required COBOL usually meets the need
with an appropriate verb such as the SORT
and the SEARCH.
We noted above that COBOL is a simple language with a limited
scope of function. And that is the way it used to be but the introduction
of OO-COBOL has changed all that. OO-COBOL retains all the advantages
of previous versions but now includes -
- User Defined Functions
- Object Orientation
- National Characters - Unicode
- Multiple Currency Symbols
- Cultural Adaptability (Locales)
- Dynamic Memory Allocation (pointers)
- Data Validation Using New VALIDATE Verb
- Binary and Floating Point Data Types
- User Defined Data Types
COBOL is non-proprietary (portable)
The COBOL standard does not belong to any particular vendor. The
vendor independent ANSI COBOL committee legislates formal, non-vendor-specific
syntax and semantic language standards. COBOL has been ported to
virtually every hardware platform - from every favour of Windows,
to every falser of Unix, to AS/400, VSE, OS/2, DOS, VMS, Unisys,
DG, VM, and MVS.
COBOL is Maintainable
COBOL has a 30 year proven track record for application maintenance,
enhancement and production support at the enterprise level. Early
indications from the year 2000 problem are that COBOL applications
were actually cheaper to fix than applications written in more recent
languages. [ Capers Jones]
One reason for the maintainability of COBOL programs has been given
above - the readability of COBOL code. Another reason is COBOL's
rigid hierarchical structure. In COBOL programs all external references,
such as to devices, files, command sequences, collating sequences,
the currency symbol and the decimal point symbol, are defined in
the Environment Division.
When a COBOL program is moved to a new machine, or has new peripheral
devices attached, or is required to work in a different country;
COBOL programmers know that the parts of the program that will have
to be altered to accommodate these changes will be isolated in the
Environment Division. In other programming languages, programmer
discipline could have ensured that the references liable to change
were restricted to one part of the program but they could just as
easily be spread throughout the program. In COBOL programs, programmers
have no choice. COBOL's rigid hierarchical structure ensures that
these items are restricted to the Environment Division.
and further reading
In this semi-formal document I have not been fastidious in referencing
all the souces I have used. Because of that I would like to acknowledge
that most of factual material and some of the commentary was gleaned
from the following sources. These may also serve as further reading.
Most of this material is available on the web but as the web is
dynamic and links are all to easily broken I won't give the URL's
here. You will have to search for them.
Ankrum,T. Scott - COBOL -- A Best Practice (Sept, 2001)- COBOLReport.com
Arranga,Edmund C. - The Viagrazation of COBOL - COBOLwebler.com
Arranga, Edmund C. & Price, Wilson - Fresh from Y2K, What's
next for COBOL? (March/April 2000) - IEEE Software
Arranga et al - In COBOL's Defense : Roundtable
Discussion (March/April 2000) - IEEE Software
Badower, Justin - COBOL: Foundation of the future - COBOLwebler.com
Brown, Gary DeWard - COBOL: The failure that
wasn't - COBOLReport.com
Burger,Thomas Wolfgang - COBOL in an open source future (May 2000)
- IBM developerWorks : Linux : Linux articles
Carr, Donald & Kizior, Ronald J. - The Case for Continued COBOL
Education (March/April 2000) - IEEE Software
Feiman, J. - The Gartner Programming Language Survey (October 2001)
- Gartner Advisory
Glass, Robert L. - Cobol - A Contradiction and an Enigma - COMMUNICATIONS
OF THE ACM September 1997/Vol. 40, No. 9
Jones, Capers - The global economic impact
of the year 2000 software problem (Jan, 1997)
Kappelman, Leon A. - Some Strategic Y2K Blessings
(March/April 2000) - IEEE Software
Kizior, Dr. Ronald J. & Carr, Donald & Halpern, Dr. Paul
- What Professionals think of the Future of COBOL?
Murach, Mike - Is COBOL Dying ... or Thriving? (February 2001)
- The Cobol Newswire
Pagnan, Martin - Can A Java Programmer Be Transitioned To Cobol?
(Feb, 2002) - COBOLReport.com
Reimann, Artur -COBOL, Language of Choice - Then and Now (January,
2001) - COBOLReport.com
Sayles, Jonathan - COBOL and the Enterprise Business Application
Programming Legacy - MicroFocus Ltd.
Silverberg, Fred, COBOL and the Business Programming Paradigm (1996)
Sneed, Harry M.- The Evolution of COBOL - COBOLReport.com
Wilkinson,Stephanie - From the Dustbin, Cobol Rises (May, 2001)-
to Programming
In this section a gentle introduction to programing
in general, and to programming in COBOL in particular, is provided.
This is done by writing some simple COBOL programs that use the
three main programming constructs - Sequence, Iteration and Selection.
Don't worry if you don't understand these programs
at this point. The main purpose of this section is to give you a
first look at some simple COBOL programs.
Let's write a program |
A program is a collection of statements written in
a language the computer understands.
A computer executes program statements one after another
in sequence until it reaches the end of the program unless some
statement in the program alters the order of execution.
Computer Scientists have shown that any program can
be written using the three main programming constructs;
Iteration |
This section introduces COBOL programming by writing
some simple COBOL programs using these constructs.
Program Specification
We want to write a program which will accept two numbers
from the users keyboard, multiply them together and display the
result on the computer screen.
Any program consists of three main things;
- The computer statements needed to do the job
- Declarations for the data items that the computer statements
- A plan, or algorithm, that arranges the computer statements
in the program so that the computer executes them in the correct
Statements and Data items
What COBOL program statements will we need to do the
job specified above and what data items will we need to access?
We will need a statement to take in the first number and store
it in the named memory location (a variable) - Num1
We will need a statement to take in the second number and store
it in the named memory location - Num2
We will need a statement to multiply the two numbers together
and to store the result in the named location - Result
Num1 BY Num2 GIVING Result.
We will need a statement to display the value in the named memory
location "Result" on the computer screen -
"Result is = ", Result.
the Algorithm right |
Now all we need to do to have a working program is to declare the
items needed to store the data and to place the statements shown
above in the correct order.
Click on these animations to see our attempts to write a program
that produces the correct answer. These attempts illustrate importance
of arranging the statements in a program so that they are executed
in the correct order.
Attempt 1
Attempt 2
Attempt 3
Because this program is short, simple and easy to understand, you
may think that programming mistakes like these could never happen.
But don't be deceived - when writing a larger program it is all
to easy to make the mistake of trying to use, or output, the contents
of a data item before you have assigned it a value.
annotated look at the COBOL program
Click on the animation below for an annotated version of the program.
Click anywhere in the animation to see the first and subsequent
Annotated Program
Program Specification

Note that these example programs are not meant to
be realistic. For instance, at the very least, a program operating
in the real world would have to ensure that the input data was validated
before it was used.
Write a program that accepts two numbers and an operator from the
user and then performs the appropriate calculation for that operator.
The operator must be either the addition (+) or the multiplication
(*) operator.
In this example run it is assumed that the user enters an addition
sign (+) as the operator
Selection Program
Program Specification
Write a program that accepts two numbers and an operator from the
user and then performs the appropriate calculation for that operator.
The operator must be either the addition (+) or the multiplication
(*) operator.
This is only a partial example run. It follows the flow of control
through the program for only one and a half iterations.
Iteration Program
This section presents the fundamentals of constructing COBOL programs.
It explains the notation used in COBOL syntax diagrams and enumerates
the COBOL coding rules. It shows how user-defined names are constructed
and examines the structure of COBOL programs.
COBOL is one of the oldest programming languages in use. As a result
it has some idiosyncrasies which programmers used to other languages
may find irritating.
When COBOL was developed (around the end of the 1950's) one of
the design goals was to make it as English-like as possible. As
a result, COBOL uses structural concepts normally associated with
English prose such as section, paragraph and sentence. It also has
an extensive reserved word list with over 300 entries and the reserved
words themselves, tend to be long. COBOL programs tend to be verbose
especially when compared to languages like C.
When COBOL was designed, programs were written on coding forms
(see below) , punched on to punch cards, and loaded into the computer
using a punch card reader. These media (coding forms and punch cards)
required adherence to a number formatting restrictions that some
COBOL implementations still enforce today, long after the need for
them has gone.
Although modern COBOL (COBOL 85 and OO-COBOL) has introduced many
of the constructs required to write well structured programs it
also still retains elements which, if used, make it difficult, and
in some cases impossible, to write good programs.
COBOL syntax is defined using particular notation sometimes called
the COBOL MetaLanguage.
In this notation, words in uppercase are reserved words. When underlined
they are mandatory. When not underlined they are "noise"
words, used for readability only, and are optional. Because COBOL
statements are supposed to read like English sentences there are
a lot of these "noise" words.
Words in mixed case represent names that must be devised by the
programmer (like data item names).
When material is enclosed in curly braces { }, a choice
must be made from the options within the braces. If there is only
one option then that item in mandatory.
Material enclosed in square brackets [ ], indicates that
the material is optional, and may be included or omitted as required.
The ellipsis symbol ... (three dots), indicates that the
preceding syntax element may be repeated at the programmer's discretion.
notes on syntax diagrams
To simplify the syntax diagrams and reduce the number of rules
that must be explained, in some diagrams special operand endings
have been used (note that this is my own extension - it is not standard
These special operand endings have the following meanings:
$i |
uses an alphanumeric
data-item |
$il |
uses an alphanumeric
data-item or a string literal |
#i |
uses a numeric
data-item |
#il |
uses a numeric
data-item or numeric literal |
$#i |
uses a numeric
or an alphanumeric data-item |
An example
syntax diagram
Note that for clarity data items may be separated
from one another by means of an optional comma.
This has been done in the COMPUTE statement opposite
In COBOL, evaluating an arithmetic expression and assigning the
result to a data item is achieved by means of the COMPUTE statement.
The syntax diagram for the COMPUTE is shown below.

This syntax diagram may be interpreted as follows;
We must start a COMPUTE statement with the
keyword COMPUTE.
We must follow the keyword with the name(s) of the numeric data
item (or items - note the ellipsis symbol (...)) to be used to receive
the result of the expression. The #i suffix at the end of word Result
tells us that a numeric identifier/data item must be used.
Since the ellipsis symbol is placed outside the curly
brackets we can interpret this to mean that each result field can
have its own ROUNDED phase. In other words
we could have a COMPUTE statement like -
Result2 = ((9*9)+8)/5
where Result1 would be assigned a value of 18 and
Result2 would be assigned a value of 17.8.
The square brackets after the Arithmetic Expression
indicate that the next items are optional but if used we must choose
between the ON SIZE ERROR or NOT
ON SIZE ERROR phrases.
Because the END-COMPUTE is
contained within the square brackets it must only be used when a
phrase is used.
coding rules
Traditionally, COBOL programs were written on coding forms and
then punched on to punch cards. Although nowadays most programs
are entered directly into a computer, some COBOL formatting conventions
remain that derive from its ancient punch-card history.
On coding forms, the first six character positions are reserved
for sequence numbers. The seventh character position is reserved
for the continuation character, or for an asterisk that denotes
a comment line.
The actual program text starts in column 8. The four positions
from 8 to 11 are known as Area A, and positions from 12 to 72 are
Area B.
Although many COBOL compilers ignore some of these formatting restrictions,
most still retain the distinction between Area A and Area B.
When a COBOL compiler recognizes the two areas, all division names,
section names, paragraph names, FD entries and 01 level numbers
must start in Area A. All other sentences must start in Area B.
In our example programs we use the compiler directive (available
with the NetExpress COBOL compiler) - $ SET SOURCEFORMAT"FREE"
- to free us from these formatting restrictions.
Ancient COBOL coding form
All user-defined names, such as data names, paragraph names, section
names condition names and mnemonic names, must adhere to the following
- They must contain at least one character, but not more than
30 characters.
- They must contain at least one alphabetic character.
- They must not begin or end with a hyphen.
- They must be constructed from the characters A to Z, the numbers
0 to 9, and the hyphen.
- They must not contain spaces.
- Names are not case-sensitive: TotalPay is the same as totalpay,
Totalpay or TOTALPAY.
structure of COBOL programs
COBOL programs are hierarchical in structure. Each element of the
hierarchy consists of one or more subordinate elements.
The hierarchy consists of Divisions, Sections, Paragraphs, Sentences
and Statements.
A Division may contain one or more Sections, a Section one or more
Paragraphs, a Paragraph one or more Sentences and a Sentence one
or more Statements.
We can represent the COBOL hierarchy using the COBOL metalanguage
as follows;

A division is a block of code, usually containing one or more sections,
that starts where the division name is encountered and ends with
the beginning of the next division or with the end of the program
A section is a block of code usually containing one or more paragraphs.
A section begins with the section name and ends where the next section
name is encountered or where the program text ends.
Section names are devised by the programmer, or defined
by the language. A section name is followed by the word SECTION
and a period.
See the two example names below -
A paragraph is a block of code made up of one or more sentences.
A paragraph begins with the paragraph name and ends with the next
paragraph or section name or the end of the program text.
A paragraph name is devised by the programmer or defined by the
language, and is followed by a period.
See the two example names below -
Sentences and statements
A sentence consists of one or more statements and is terminated
by a period.
For example:
MOVE .21 TO VatRate
MOVE 1235.76 TO ProductCost
COMPUTE VatAmount = ProductCost * VatRate.
A statement consists of a COBOL verb and an operand or operands.
For example:
GrossPay GIVING NetPay
Four Divisions
At the top of the COBOL hierarchy are the four divisions. These
divide the program into distinct structural elements. Although some
of the divisions may be omitted, the sequence in which they are
specified is fixed, and must follow the order below.
Contains program information
Contains environment information
Contains data descriptions
Contains the program algorithms
The IDENTIFICATION DIVISION supplies information
about the program to the programmer and the compiler.
Most entries in the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION are
directed at the programmer. The compiler treats them as comments.
The PROGRAM-ID clause is an exception to
this rule. Every COBOL program must have a PROGRAM-ID
because the name specified after this clause is used by the linker
when linking a number of subprograms into one run unit, and by the
CALL statement when transferring control
to a subprogram.
PROGRAM-ID. NameOfProgram.
[AUTHOR. YourName.]
other entries here
represent the division header, and signal the commencement of the
program text.
PROGRAM-ID is a paragraph name that must
be specified immediately after the division header.
NameOfProgram is a name devised by the programmer, and must satisfy
the rules for user-defined names.
Here's a typical program fragment:
The ENVIRONMENT DIVISION is used to describe
the environment in which the program will run.
is to isolate in one place all aspects of the program that are dependant
upon a specific computer, device or encoding sequence.
The idea behind this is to make it easy to change the program
when it has to run on a different computer or one with different
peripheral devices.
In the ENVIRONMENT DIVISION, aliases are
assigned to external devices, files or command sequences. Other
environment details, such as the collating sequence, the currency
symbol and the decimal point symbol may also be defined here.
As the name suggests, the DATA DIVISION
provides descriptions of the data-items processed by the program.
The DATA DIVISION has two main sections:
SECTION. Additional sections, such as the LINKAGE
SECTION (used in subprograms) and the REPORT
SECTION (used in Report Writer based programs) may also be
The FILE SECTION is used to describe most
of the data that is sent to, or comes from, the computer's peripherals.
The WORKING-STORAGE SECTION is used to describe
the general variables used in the program.
The DATA DIVISION has the following structure
and syntax:
Below is a sample program fragment -
The PROCEDURE DIVISION contains the code
used to manipulate the data described in the DATA
DIVISION. It is here that the programmer describes his algorithm.
The PROCEDURE DIVISION is hierarchical in
structure and consists of sections, paragraphs, sentences and statements.
Only the section is optional. There must be at least one paragraph,
sentence and statement in the PROCEDURE DIVISION.
Paragraph and section names in the PROCEDURE DIVISION
are chosen by the programmer and must conform to the rules for user-defined
Sample Program
PROGRAM-ID. SequenceProgram.
AUTHOR. Michael Coughlan.
01 Result PIC 99 VALUE ZEROS.
DISPLAY "Result is = ", Result.
Some COBOL compilers require that all the divisions be present
in a program while others only require the IDENTIFICATION
For instance the program shown below is perfectly valid when compiled
with the Microfocus NetExpress compiler.
Minimum COBOL program
DISPLAY "Hello world".
Copyright Notice
These COBOL course materials are the copyright
property of Michael Coughlan.
All rights reserved. No part of these
course materials may be reproduced in any form or by any means
- graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, printing, recording,
taping or stored in an information storage and retrieval system
- without the written permission of the
(c) Michael Coughlan